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How to Write Seo Articles

How important is SEO for a Blogger?

Writing SEO articles is one of the most powerful strategies for bloggers to increase the number of blog visitors. In addition to better quality, Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is recognized as being able to provide a greater effect than social media optimization strategies.

So, what is SEO? How important is SEO for a Blogger? and how to write SEO articles?

Simply put, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is a strategy to optimize web pages on search engines with specific, predetermined techniques. With SEO optimized webpage techniques it is possible to rank first in the search engine for certain keywords. So the percentage of visitors will be greater.

How to Write Seo Articles

There are 2 major parts of SEO, namely SEO On Page and SEO Off-Page. On-Page focuses on the structure of content writing according to search engines, while Off-Page focuses on link building (backlinks).

SEO Techniques

SEO is basically not lawful, because SEO is just a technique recommended by search engines to optimize website pages. Google itself does not burden the owner of the web/blog must implement SEO techniques. All were released and returned to the manager.

With a note, if web managers use SEO techniques, then the logical consequence is that Google will recommend more in search engines. However, if the manager ignores SEO techniques, Google will feel just B on the web.

Well, legal SEO can be mandatory if the web manager is an internet marketer, SEO activist, Adsense publisher, or digital marketing. Whatever the position or status, if he is required to make search engines the main source of web visitors, sales, or marketing, then SEO is mandatory for him.

For those of you who define Google as a source of visitors, product sales, marketing, and other types of online marketing, there is no other word than mandatory. What matters most to them is quality content, psychological happiness, and practicing writing skills. If SEO techniques are applied to the web, especially article writing, it will be even better.

There are so many ways to write SEO articles on the internet. Whether written by SEO activists, hosting service providers, to novice bloggers. This is none other than because the market for readers is very large and always sells from time to time.

Before you write an article, you should determine the keywords you want to target. The keyword calculation is based on the number of searches and the amount of competition. If your website already has enough strength, both in terms of DA and PA, targeting keywords with large search numbers is not a problem.

The problem is when your web is just as old as corn and you are forced to write content with a large number of searches. your article will sink. To search for keywords, I usually use these tools:
  • Ahrefs
  • Keyword Sheeter
  • Ubersuggest
  • KWFinder
  • AnswerThePublic
  • Google Trends
After you determine the keywords, the second step you need to determine the title. The title must contain the targeted keywords. Never make a title arbitrarily without paying attention to the rules of SEO On Page. Unless you're writing poetry or short stories.

How to Write Page One Guaranteed SEO Articles

  • Prioritize keywords stuck 100% in the title. 
  • Never separate keywords when creating titles
  • Make the title as creative as possible without destroying the keyword arrangement
So, whatever your techniques are in making your title, make sure you apply the 3 tips above. Whether using numbers, question sentences, survey results, or whatever, make sure the keywords are still neatly arranged in the title.

the shorter the URL, the better, I agree on this point. Just use keywords as a URL. Even if necessary, just focus on the keywords used in the URL. Regarding the number of words that are appropriate and powerful for SEO, there are two opinions that you can use.

Opinion 1: The right word count and highly recommended for SEO is 600–800 words. This opinion is also supported by several article writing service providers that are mushrooming on the internet.

Opinion 2: To get to the top of page 1 of Google, you need to write pillar articles. According to Kontensiana, the pillar articles themselves are written at least 2,000 to 10,000 words.

Reporting from the site, according to Forbes, the average web page containing 600 to 700 words is optimal for SEO. Forbes continued, web pages that contain no more than 300 words, very small can appear on the pages of a search engine. Meanwhile, according to Searchengingland, content that is longer (more than 1000 words) tends to fit more easily on page one Google.

Both opinions are equally strong. You can choose one of the two. If you write a light article, please follow Forbes's opinion. However, if you are writing a pillar article, please follow Searchengingland's advice.

Keyword Placement

Some arguments, keywords should be placed at the beginning, middle, and end of the paragraph. Some argue, keywords do not have to be in the first paragraph, but spread naturally in a specified amount. Wow, how complicated is not it? Yes, it's complicated.

Well, so that you don't get confused, I will compare some SEO activists on keyword placement techniques. If you fall into the category of people who must apply SEO techniques, I suggest that you play it safe. Please follow the opinion that puts keywords in the first paragraph.

I suggest so because Yoast applies the same rules. Not only Yoast, tangible words, a site that focuses on inbound marketing and content creation, also explains in more detail about keyword placement. Here is a summary:
  • Introductory Title (opening paragraph)
  • Subheadings Content
  • Image (Alt Text)
  • Meta Description
  • Meta Url
  • Link Anchor
  • Navigation Menu
Those are some of the opinions and implementations of SEO activists in Indonesia. Please choose for yourself which one suits you. But I suggest that you just go safe. Until here you understand, right?

Number of Keywords

For the number of keywords distributed in articles on Yoast, it is 2.5% to 3% of the total number of words. And if you are using the premium version of Yoast, the number of keywords spread is between 3% to 3.5%. Let's count! 2.5% of 1000 words = 25, 3% of 1000 words = 30 Make it easy to count it? If you are lazy to count, please just monitor Yoast's green light. If it is green or shows the optimal percentage, it means that the number of keywords you have spread is right.

Heading & Subheading

You see the table of contents at the top of this article right? Well, that's what is called headings and subheadings in content. Yoast provides a testament that headings and subheadings are very important in SEO techniques. In addition to making it easier for readers to understand your article, headings and subheadings also greatly influence search engines in the crawling process. Here are some suggestions from me:

You can use headings to separate discussion points from other discussion points. Sample article: 5 Instagenic Cafes in California, You can use these tricks:
Cafe A"H2"
Cafe B "H2"
Cafe C "H2"
Cafe D "H2"
Cafe E "H2"

That's an example of an article structure using Heading 2 alias H2 on point / numeric content. If in H2 you need any additional explanation that requires special attention, use H3. Example of an article: 2 Romantic Cafes in California Suitable for Weekends

Cafe A [H2]
Menu cafe A [H3]
Atmosphere of cafe A [H3]
Location of cafe A [H3]
Cafe B [H2]
Menu Cafe B [H3]
Atmosphere of cafe B [H3]
Location of cafe B [H3]
Okay, until here you understand the use of Heading and Subheading, right?

 Internal Link & External Link

In the internal linking technique, there are small rules that you must pay attention to. First, contextually embed internal links to web pages that can add further understanding/explanation of the content you are reviewing. Second, it is recommended that internal links are not only directed to other articles, but also to Tags and Categories.

External Links In the external linking technique there are also small rules that you must pay attention to. First, external links should be 'shot' to high-popularity sites. For example, Wikipedia. Second, it is recommended that the target site must be relevant to the content that you are reviewing. For example, this article is talking about SEO. then the MOZ site can be targeted by my external links. Until here, understand?

Image Optimization

All right, let's get back to the topic of image optimization. There are several simple rules for image optimization. The maximum image size is 100 Kb. Smaller is better. Before you post an image on the blog, please compress it first at TinyJPG. If you design yourself, please use the "Save for Web" feature instead of "Save As". Don't forget to fill the Alt Text on the image. This is important and mandatory for SEO. Include a source if you posted an image that is not from a free image provider site. I did. Very simple, right?


In writing SEO articles, adding infographics is not really a requirement. It is only additional but highly recommended. Why? This has something to do with data if the content is written is in the form of descriptive reviews or comparisons. The existence of infographics will help readers understand the data and of course add value to the content written.

If we look at the models of online media in recent years, several large sites have inserted infographics in each of their content. Especially content that contains a lot of data and comparisons. What are the benefits? A lot! 

First, your site will be more trusted by readers because you are writing based on data that it assumes is 'accurate'. 
Second, your site "has the potential" to become a reference for some other media, aka receiving backlinks from other media as a further explanation of what they write. 
Third, hear about it, Nail Patel has on several occasions also mentioned infographics as a complement to SEO articles. An article that is well written and based on data will be perfectly worth inserting an infographic.

However, because not everyone can create infographics, this advice is often ignored by most bloggers. Now some sites provide free infographics, such as Freepik, so you just have to download the format and edit it a little using AI or Photoshop. If you are lazy to download, you can just buy the infographic format from several service providers. There are a lot of people selling infographic formats these days. Please search on Google, don't be lazy! Again, these are just additions. It's secondary in nature, so you don't have to worry if you're not interested or can't create an infographic.

Meta descriptions

Meta descriptions that will represent the entire content of your article in search engine views. The more attractive your meta description is, the more potential it will open to readers. According to Yoast SEO, ideally, the meta description should be no more than 155 characters and no less than 121 characters. Don't forget, as per Tangibleword's will, the meta description must contain keywords. So, make a meta description that is attractive and still SEO Powerful.

In essence, the core of how to write SEO articles is to follow the Yoast SEO standards. If all is green, then your article structure is SEO good. But if the color is orange, even red, there must be something wrong with the SEO technique you are using. The conclusion is that simple. As for the next stage, such as sharing articles on social media, social bookmarking sites, and so on, it is nothing more than SEO Off-Page optimization. As for the SEO article writing technique itself, I think it will be enough. Nothing more and nothing less. That's enough from me, if there are points that are missing, please add them in the comments column or you can contact the exemplary team.
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